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my dog ate lip balm

Help! My Dog Ate Chapstick - What Do I Need To Do Now?
Help! My Dog Ate Chapstick - What Do I Need To Do Now?
My dog only ate Chapstick or Lip Balm! What should I do now? If your dog ate chapstick, then there are some steps you'll have to take. Most of the occurrences won't hurt your pup. Veterinary Jo Woodnut weighs on what you should do in the next few hours. Last Updated: March 11, 2021 Silence 8 min read This article was written by a veterinarian, but should not replace as contact with a trained professional. If your dog ate Chapstick or Lip Balm, we recommend that you contact your veterinarian immediately. Did your dog just eat Chapstick? Dogs are very inquisitive. Sometimes this can get them into trouble. It's not weird for dogs to. Often these are things we don't expect them to be interested in. And some items, are slightly more predictable due to their taste, even if they can cause damage. So what if you find your dog has eaten a chapstick tube? Getting home to find a chewed Chapstick tube or a lip balm is an unattainable surprise. Depending on the portion they ate, you can justify a trip to see your veterinarian. Larger dogs usually have no problem, but smaller dogs can risk intestinal obstruction or other internal damage. So, if your puppy ate chapstick, you're probably wondering if it's a problem and how worried should it be? The good news is that most dogs will be fine. But there are some steps you will have to take while monitoring your dog's health. Let's find out what you need to do next. Is Chapstick dangerous for dogs? They can be! But it depends exactly what they ate. The first potential danger of Chapstick's ingestion is what balm is made of. There is a wide range of different chapsticks or balm lips available to buy. Each brand differs in its ingredients, some of which could pose more than one problem. The chopsticks usually have a sweet taste or aroma that is probably what attracted your puppy to eat first. Artificial sweets such as xylitol are . They can also be found in lip balm to sweeten them. Xylitol is very toxic to dogs as it can cause dangerously low blood sugar levels. Other ingredients that can cause a problem include sunscreen, phenols, essential oils and camping. If the ingredients cause adverse effects will depend on the size of the dog and how much of the Chapstick ate. Any pre-existing medical problem could also affect how a dog reacts. The other problem is that the plastic or can tube could cause a blockage in your dog's intestines. Hopefully, most dogs will only chew the tube, but if there are large pieces of plastic tube missing, you should be in the search for signs of blockages. My dog ate Chapstick: What's next? First, don't panic. In most cases, your dog will be fine. However, it is important to get advice from your veterinarian about the next steps, so seek advice without delay. It's important to check how much of the lip balm has been eaten. In this way you can identify whether any of the packaging has been chewed or swallowed. The veterinarian will need to know what type of lip balm has been eaten so they can check if there are ingredients that can cause damage. Your veterinarian will also want to know if there are any of the plastic tubes or the missing lid. This, along with the size and weight of your canine partner, is usually enough to give you the right advice. Like or, your next step will probably be to monitor the behavior of your pup. You should let your veterinarian make that decision with all the information available to them. What about my dog? The effects of eating a Chapstick will depend a lot on what's in it and how much it's eaten. Here are some potentially harmful ingredients you want to look for, and also discuss with your veterinarian. XylitolThis is an artificial sweetener commonly used in sheets and balm lips. Xylitol as it can cause your sugar levels to fall dangerously low. This can lead to vomiting, drowsiness and seizures. If there is xyllitol in the lipstick that your dog has eaten, it is important to seek veterinary care immediately. In most cases there will not be enough xylitol to cause a significant problem, but it is always better to check. Your veterinarian might need to do blood tests to monitor your pet. Solar screenThe solar screens are sometimes included in the lipstick to protect the lips from the effects of the sun. The solar screen is usually not dangerous, but it can cause digestive discomfort such as disease or diarrhea. This usually happens by itself, but if it is serious you may need veterinarian treatment. Essential oilsAlthough natural in origin- it can be harmful if ingested. Sometimes oils like orange and lavender are added to the lip balms. Often the amount of essential oil will not be enough to cause a problem, but the most likely symptoms that can be seen are digestive disorder, drooling and drowsiness. These often pass on your own, but you should monitor your canine partner closely. PhenolPhenol is a commonly found addition to the balms of lips and the sticks. This substance is often used to give a cooling sensation to balm when applied. When eaten by a dog it can cause irritation to the mouth and drool, as well as digestive discomfort. Again, symptoms are not likely to need treatment, but you should monitor your pet for lethargy and call your veterinarian if you care. Some who have bad reactions to Phenol. CamphorCamphor is included in some lipstick like Carmex. Like the phenol, camphor is used to give a cooling effect when applied to the lips. Camphor can, as well as digestive disorder such as vomiting and diarrhea. If these symptoms are seen, you should see signs of deterioration and call your veterinarian if they become lethargic or cannot stop vomiting. If my dog ate Chapstick, will it be okay? In most cases eating a Chapstick or a lip balm will not cause problems. The most likely scenario is that your dog will not experience any ill effects at all. In some cases, there may be mild side effects ranging from digestive disorders such as vomiting and diarrhea to lethargy. Some products may contain more dangerous ingredients, so it is always better to seek advice from a veterinarian. A more serious problem could be caused if the dog consumes the Chapstick packaging or the lip balm. In most cases, it is a case of hard plastic and a small lid. If the dog has eaten the packaging will have what it is (something inside it that should not be there). If the plastic was chewed can be sharpened, and this can cause damage to the stomach or intestines as it passes through the digestive tract. Intestinal obstruction Alternatively, packaging can be hosted or glued in its attempt to pass through the digestive system. A obstruction of the digestive tract could lead to vomiting and the dog becomes very lethargic and disinterested. If you suspect that your pup has ingested plastic packaging, your veterinarian may need to perform more tests such as x-rays or blood tests to determine what should be done later. In the case of a blockade, surgery may be necessary to eliminate the object of the offence. If the dog has chewed the plastic into smaller pieces, it may be that the dog can be monitored closely to check that it is fainting in the feces, especially if you have a big dog or only a small amount is missing. Remember to take any remaining packaging and details of what type of Chapstick the dog has eaten with you to the veterinarian. Frequently asked questions Here are some other questions we usually get when it comes to balms of lips and dogs. Note that the answers to these will depend on whether your dog also ate the plastic tube itself, or just the chapstick alone. Generally, but like anything consumed in sufficient quantity, it can cause problems. Vaseline is a by-product of the oil industry and is very refined to eliminate any harmful. If a dog licks a small amount, it is very unlikely that it causes a problem. However, if a larger amount has been consumed, it may cause digestive discomfort such as vomiting and diarrhea. If your dog has consumed more than a Vaseline lime, contact your veterinarian. They may advise if the amount consumed is likely to cause a problem. The veterinarian will also be able to mark any warning signs to observe. Carmex is another brand of lip balm that is available in a variety of flavors that might be tempting your four-legged friend. Carmex often contains SPF sunscreen that can lead to digestive discomfort. If enough of this lip balm containing sunscreen is consumed, you may see symptoms such as diarrhea or bloody vomiting. Carmex has a wide range of different products that contain a variety of ingredients. It is best to contact your veterinarian with the product details and how much has been eaten to determine how likely it is a problem. As with any lipstick, the packaging could pose more than one problem if consumed. In general, eating some Carmex lipstick should not be dangerous, but always look for advice to stay on the safe side. Eos Chapstick comes in variety of varieties and flavors, each of which contains different ingredients. Some of these ingredients may pose more problems than others. If your dog has eaten anything or a whole EOS lipstick, contact your veterinarian for advice. They may discuss whether the product is likely to cause a problem to your pooch. More often than not the product will not be harmful, but plastic packaging can be problematic if swallowed. Packaging may cause pain or irritation if eaten, or in the worst case it may cause a blockage of the digestive tract. The EOS lip balm packaging looks similar to a small ball that could be attractive. If your dog has eaten some EOS lipstick or the packaging contact your veterinarian for advice. Chapstick is a useful moisturizer for human lips, however, it is not the best product to use on your dog's dry nose. The lip balms are flavored or sweetened that will probably encourage licking in the nose more often, causing more damage. The Chapstick ingredients may not be suitable to be eaten repeatedly. First, it is important to rule out any medical problems that may be causing your pet's dry nose. Find advice from your veterinarian that you can check on your dog, make sure there is no underlying problem and if necessary, prescribe a safe product suitable to apply to your nose. Final Thoughts As we mentioned here, Chapstick is not something we would recommend to routinely use with your pup. For a consistent dry nose, there are medications that your veterinarian may prescribe. If you came home to some lip balm that has been ingested, you can usually control your dog. If your pup ate an entire tube, however, this is more serious and definitely requires a call to your veterinarian. We always recommend that you contact your veterinarian, even if your dog ate something quite benign. Having peace of mind that your four-legged friend is gonna be fine, it's invaluable. Suggestion by the author Leave a comment Your weekly gift! All the training tips, product reviews and discounts we can find, sent directly to your inbox every week. More Care © 2020 Love Your Dog. All rights reserved. Love Your Love The dog is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

Separate names with comma. Useful search Forums Did the dog eat my lipstick? Discussion initiated by isabbbela • .isabbbela Well-Known Member This week my dog ate my lip balm! He didn't eat the plastic bowl, just the lipstick inside. I was very worried about the moment and I even called my mother, who is a veterinarian. He said he didn't think it was serious and he should be fine. If you started to get sick, you should have a medicine (I don't remember the name). I was fine after that. Have any of your dogs ever eaten lipstick, lipstick or any of your makeups? Were you all right after that? H.C. HeartlandActive Member, that's scary! He was at home sitting a cat once he went crazy with Mary Kay makeup. We were half scared to death. So we called the phone number that was in the makeup boxes for 'in case of emergency'. People in those emergency lines are very useful. They know all kinds of information that can help you with allergies, pet food, etc. From that experience I remembered that and I called the number when I had several kinds of questions. So I'm sure you could try to look at your barbed balm container and see if there's a number you could call just in case. But it seems that your mother knows what she's talking about and if your pet hasn't had any adverse reactions so far, then everything's probably fine. Ohiotom76 Well-Known Member Yes, my terrier ate the breath spray once. It was a small metallic pot with a spray nozzle at the top, and the content inside was pressurized. I would normally keep it in my closet in a tray with a loose change, my keys and other random things that I would get. One day I realized that it didn't work when I went to use it, and I saw two little puncture holes on the side, like vampire marks or something. I couldn't figure out how those who were there came, and I thought maybe the can had some weak points on it or it was damaged otherwise all the time. Then I remembered as a day before, I kept seeing my terrier licking her lips constantly as something irritated her or she got into something. That's when I realized what happened, Lol. She was fine, though, it only took a while for the taste of getting out of her mouth. As for the lipstick, I think your dog should be fine. They didn't put something that was lethal on it when it's meant to be put on their lips first. Obviously people are going to eat some of it while eating food and doing other things. Beware of the lipstick in hot days too, I made a mess of my car once when I left a couple of tubes of it on my arm rest and melted all inside. Chiofthenorns Active member Well, I'm glad your mother who's a veterinarian said you shouldn't worry. My cat ate / got in / played with my lipstick once, too. I didn't worry too much because my lipstick was organic, and I knew it wasn't really deadly. Just make sure you keep your makeup in a safe place, so your pets won't get to them. Sidney Well-Known Member Our dogs cannot access our personal items because they are outside the house, and the only thing our dogs chew is paper and rubber. Well, at least now we know that dogs can run away from eating lipstick, after all, humans can lick them, so I guess it's not that harmful to dogs as well. sthrngypsyActive Member If your mother who is a veterinarian said I wouldn't worry. My animals have eaten or done some strange things. My puppy chewed the outside of a Clorox Clean Up bottle and made teeth marks on it and started filtering. I'm definitely scared of that. I also chewed a cockroach bait (I'm not sure why, I don't think I can taste well). I dropped the Clean Up Clorox. My vet said he didn't care about any of those. I wouldn't care much about the lipstick because you use it on your lips and some might get in your mouth so they have to make it safe. AresBladeActive Member My dog ate (mostly chewed) a stick plate tube and got the races for a few days. Like you, we called the vet to make sure there was no problem, and she said it wasn't a 99% time problem. I hope diarrhea is my recommendation. akiii123 Active member We balm lips that we use these days are those that are first tested in animals and then used in humans. So, if your dog ate the lipstick, I'm sure it wouldn't cause any serious damage to your health. However, observing your health for a few days is highly recommended. Make sure it doesn't get any worse. Besides, don't keep any more lipstick in a place where your dog could find it. New Popular Shops - Get Fast Navigation Coupons Help Pages

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